This means that my Internet connection sucks, it really does, no fibre for me here….
It’s not the first time I’ve had to go and sit under a mobile phone mast and tether my IPad for an Internet connection!
So I bit the bullet and ordered Satellite broadband from Avonline, on the advice of Sarah Staar. She visited recently and passed on some stellar tips while working at my table.

I did have some teething problems and initially, the connection was terrible, I was so disappointed.
After a few phone calls to the support centre and messing around with settings the connection beaming down from space, finally kicked in!
I’m reasonably happy with the service so far. There is a thing called latency, which means initial loading can take a few milliseconds while the satellite connection kicks in. There are still problems, similar to BT where busy times means things slow down. I was hoping to avoid this! Support tell me this shouldn’t happen and are working on a solution.
The data allowance isn’t unlimited so you do have to monitor this. I went for the 75gb package and asked for free installation, which I got. (If you don’t ask…..)
If you have any questions about satellite broadband, drop me an email.
My previous income would never have allowed me to even consider satellite. Internet marketing has made this possible.
If you want to read more about how I (and Angela) got started, CLICK HERE