The constant dinging of my phone with “special offers”, pre-black Friday right through to “extended cyber Mondays, my inbox never stopped!
In the UK it’s not such a big deal, but I must confess to having a look at a couple of offers, buying NordVPN was one of them.
After the recent “snoopers charter” being passed in the UK I was tempted. I have nothing to hide, but really don’t like so many organisations being able to access my records, too much open to abuse.
And the thing is, and this is just my view, the real criminals will just find a way round it, they always do.
So, should I buy a VPN? At the very least it would give me a wider choice of movies to watch as it bypasses location restrictions
More research needed, I don’t splash my cash easily, must be the Scottish in me!
Adsense Course
Angela mentioned it in the last newsletter, is coming along nicely and will be launched just before Christmas.
I’m excited about this, it will be quality training that even a very beginner can follow.We have given ourselves a deadline, very important with any project and hard to do when you work for yourself.
Keep an eye on your inbox for when the course goes live!
Ebay Tip
Now for those of you who buy on Ebay, here’s a tip . Look for misspellings of the product you want to buy.
For example, my granddaughter loves Sylvanian families but they are SO expensive. I object to paying so much for something so small.
“Slyvanian families” search found me a huge bundle (I don’t mind secondhand) which had no bids apart from mine, got a great bargain there!
I use a tool called Goofbid which will find misspellings for you, You can also place your maximun bid from there and it will place it just before the end of the auction (snipe).
Just For Fun
In the United States, six tubs of ‘Cool Whip’, a brand of whipping cream, are sold every second.
The Kraft company, who make it, produces enough each year to fill the entire Grand Canyon!
Now I’ve never heard of Cool Whip, but definitely want to try it when I visit!
Time to go and enjoy my new Grandaughter now.
She looks a bit puzzled!
Have a good week, and if anyone can enlighten me on the subject of VPNs, please do. 🙂
Dale Carnegie said,”If you can’t sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there and worrying. It’s the worry that gets you, not the loss of sleep.”
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