I remember back when I started my business.

Learning how to build websites. Learning about affiliate marketing and SEO.

It is totally like learning a new language!

Of course, I would get frustrated – A LOT; and that is putting it mildly. lol

In just a few short months though, all the techy stuff started to get so easy. The more I learned, the more I wanted to learn.

After I got the hang of WordPress, I wanted to get a lot better at creating cool images for my websites.

There are SO many tools out there, some free and some paid.

I have tried damn near all of them. 

Do you know what I have found? 

Sometimes easy and cheap do NOT go hand in hand.

1. You can find many free image tools out there but they are not always so easy to understand OR to use.

But I get that 2. When you are first starting out, you need to watch what you spend money on.

(In fact, that is one of the very first lessons we teach to our clients.)

When I am thinking about trying a new tool, there are a few things I look at to help in my buying decision.

1. Does it have a trial period? In other words, even if I have to pay up front, is there a period of time I can try it out and know that if I don’t like it, I can cancel and/or be refunded.

2. What is the investment? I look at the cost and decide if it is something that would cause financial strain on my business. Meaning is more money going out than is coming in. 

3. How bad do I want it? I learned a long time ago that sometimes I just want things and that is okay!

Now, when my old friend Tony showed me his new Graphics program, I knew I had to have it!

Being able to save time on creating amazing graphics is a big deal.

Not only will save time on creating the graphic images you need, 

you will save time by NOT having to spend hours on learning to use it!

With InstaGrafx you can create:

  • Facebook cover images, ad images
  • Marketing graphics
  • YouTube channel art
  • Infographics
  • 3D eBook covers
  • Twitter graphics
  • Header graphics for your websites and sales pages
  • Kindle covers
  • and SO much MORE!

In short, InstaGrafx is a program for everyone …

Check out InstaGrafx and you will NOT be disappointed!

—-> CLICK HERE to give a try today <—-

Useful Tools

Green GeeksExcellent for hosting.
Active CampaignOur recommended autoresponder
NamecheapFor buying a domain name
UdimiSafe place to buy solo ads


Angela and Kathy

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