Why Images Matter on Your Blog

As you create your blog it’s important to understand which elements are important factors that make your blog stand out to your audience. You want a blog that is “sticky” meaning that brings people back, makes people recommend it to others, and a destination for anyone interested in your niche. The way you do that is to create an attractive blog with great content. That is why images matter on your blog.

Images Break Up The Space

Content without images can be very boring on the eye. Looking at line after line of text just gets old after awhile. If you are writing a blog post about “how” to do something, it always helps to show some sort of image along with the how to post so that your readers can visually see how to do it as well as keep on reading.

happyImages Help With Understanding

As in the example above of a how to post an image on any post can help the reader understand what you’re talking about more. If the image relates to the blog post, it will put your reader in the right mood. For instance, if you want your reader to feel happy, post a happy picture in relation to the content. If you want them to think about money, put an image of money.

social-mediaGet More Likes and Shares on Social Media

People are very visual, and if your blog post has a good image, your readers are much more likely to share it on social media. The share also looks better because it catches the eye and isn’t just a bunch of text on the status. This is especially true with Facebook and Pinterest. Images make all the difference in the number of shares when it comes to these two.

Images Help with SEO

seoIf you remember to include the “alt” tag in your images then images will help with your search engine optimization (SEO). Don’t just use the alt tag to say “image” or “flower” you might say something with a keyword such as “social media expert sitting at a desk” as the alt tag instead of just a one word boring tag. Incidentally, this makes your blog enjoyable for people who are blind and use readers too.

Finding images isn’t very difficult today. You do need to ensure that you have the rights to use them as you are using them. You can’t just do a Google search and use any images you find. You must be sure to use royalty free images. This doesn’t mean the image is totally free, although you can find free images too.

Here are some ways you can find not only royalty free images but free images too.

Choosing images for your blog posts, as well as your information products will increase your chances of success many times over. In addition to using the free sites, you can also use paid services.

Finally, if you want to you can actually take the pictures yourself to use on your blog. Pictures make your blog posts more readable, understandable and relatable. Taking the extra time to add in a good image will mean all the difference to the success of your blog.

If you have any questions about why images matter on your blog, please leave them in the comments below or contact us.

Tired of searching for images and wondering if they are really free?! Look no further! 5,000+ royalty free images just for you!

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